Since 1965


the lives of Latino and other youth and families of color

Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco, Inc. (Horizons) is a community-based organization located in San Francisco’s beloved Mission District and offers culturally and linguistically competent services, in English and Spanish, for the diverse population of the Mission District and the City and County of San Francisco. Since 1965, Horizons has had the honor and privilege to serve as a major access point for more than 250,000 native, immigrant, and newcomer youth and their families.

We believe that youth are vessels of strength and resiliency, and the relationships we build and foster with our youth is the single, most important asset and factor in preparing them to reach their highest potential and becoming active contributors to their families and communities.

Our work and experience has shown that many Latino youth and other youth of color face multiple and persistent challenges to socio-economic success, and physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, it is imperative that services and supports take a wrap-around approach with youth and their families at the center.

We achieve this by offering a wide array of culturally competent and innovative substance use prevention and treatment, mental health, gender-affirming and employment services and programs that promote healthy development and empower youth and families to take action in their community. Our Staff Family mirrors the backgrounds and life experiences of those we serve, and through the provision of a variety of high appeal programs, helps to transform their lives.

For five decades we have worked with more than 250,000 youth and families who have gone on to lead healthy lives, become professionals in a multitude of industries, and continue to give back to the community.

Horizons’ target population is at-risk Latino and other youth of color, ages 12 to 26, and their families, living in the Mission District and throughout the City and County of San Francisco, who experience multiple barriers to living healthy, thriving lives.

The target population is exposed to, and engages in, risk behaviors that threaten their well-being including:

1) Community: the availability of drugs and weapons, low attachment to traditional institutions, disassociation from cultural values and customs, extreme poverty, etc., 2) Family: multi-generational involvement in crime, substance use, domestic violence, school dropouts, and family conflict, etc., 3) School: failure and lack of attachment to school, truancy, suspension and expulsion, 4) Peers: association with peers who have similar risk behaviors, withdrawal from conventional social norms, etc.

Additionally, many of our youth and their families have been displaced and living in crowded and unhealthy conditions, living in single-parent households or with extended family, recently arrived and living on their own, “couch hopping,” homeless, living in group homes, in and out of foster care, etc.

Many of our immigrant and undocumented youth have just recently reunited with their parents after being separated for many years, due to social, political, or economic difficulties in their respective countries, and are facing unprecedented challenges with reunification.

Our Staff, Programs and Services

Horizons’ Staff Family is made up of more than 20 professionals, many of whom are former participants in programming. They work tirelessly and in strong collaboration to offer over 15 innovative and evidenced based programs, in Spanish and English, to more than 5,000 unduplicated clients per annum through on and offsite programming, events/campaigns, and outreach. Our current programming is delineated below:

Our Mission

To strengthen and transform the lives of Latino and other youth and families of color through a continuum of culturally rooted services that include substance use prevention and treatment, mental health and wellness, workforce development, and gender-affirming programming.

Our Vision

Empower our community, nurture their strengths, and transform their lives.

Our Values – ReACH

Re Reciprocity: The unspoken understanding that receiving is a direct result of our humble desire to give.


Re Resilience: The power to draw from inner strength and resources around you, and remain strong and steadfast in your determination to overcome adversity.


A Accountability: To manifest transparency and integrity in the pursuit of staying true to ourselves and our community.


C Culturally Rooted: Honoring and utilizing the power of culture to drive our work and promote healing.


H Humility: The capacity to see each person’s worth and be compelled to be of service.